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How To Safely Switch Your Pet’s Food Over A Transitional Period

When changing your pet’s food, the last thing you want to do is to toss out all of their old food. While some pets may be able to tolerate such an abrupt switch in their diet without much issue, suddenly switching foods can cause stomach upset, vomiting, diarrhea, increased gas and nausea. Your pet may also flat out refuse to eat the new food. In order to guarantee the best chances of successful diet switch, it’s best to transition to the new food slowly. It usually will take about 7 days to completely switch from one food to another.

To introduce a new food, you should first mix in the old food. Over a period of several days, slowly increase the ratio of the new food to the old food, without increasing the overall amount of food given.

Ideal schedule for changing your pet’s food: 

Assuming there are no negative reactions, by the end of the week your pet should be fully transitioned to their new diet. Watch for symptoms such as continuing to drink (normal amount), your pet’s gas, and your dog’s stool should remain normal. If you see any changes in these areas, slow down the process and take more time to ease your pet into the new food. This slow process of changing food should alleviate the majority of issues normally associated with stomach upset.

If you have any issues or concerns about your pet switching from one food to another, please consult with your veterinarian.