Packerland Veterinary Center Packerland Veterinary Center Packerland Veterinary Center


Diagnostic Services

Our goal at Packerland is to provide thorough and efficient service to all of our patients.  Sometimes that may be as simple as an annual Heartworm test, but it can also involve a more serious need to quickly and accurately diagnose a potentially life threatening problem.  Packerland is committed to providing the most current technology and training to assist our veterinarians with making the best recommendations for the care and treatment of your pet.

Click on the procedure below to learn more.

In-House Laboratory

In-House LaboratoryWe have an extensive in-house laboratory available at our fingertips which allows us to quickly address many needs our patients have on a regular basis.  We run routine bloodwork screens, parasite testing and urinalysis and have the results within minutes.  Additionally, we have the ability to run more specialized testing in-house.  Everything from Thyroid, Fructosamine, and Pancreatic testing to cytology and clotting profiles are performed right here by our highly trained technical staff.  Having the availability to receive routine, advanced and therapeutic monitoring results before an appointment ends saves on time and unnecessary worry for our patients and families.

Digital Radiography

Digital RadiographyDigital radiography allows us to view an instant, adjustable and high quality 2d image of your pet which aids us in accurately diagnosing or ruling out many conditions.  Most general radiographs can be obtained by our technician staff in minutes without the need for sedation.  Occasionally however, more complicated views, views in pets that are especially painful or uncooperative will require something extra to relax them.

Dental Radiography

Dental RadiographyIn addition to standard large view radiography, we have a specialized digital dental radiography system. In the same way it is used in human dentistry, this assists us during dental procedures to give our veterinarians a view of the tooth and bone structure under the gum line, allowing us to better assess the overall health of the mouth. Dental radiography often catches concerns such as fractures or abscesses that we would otherwise miss with a visual examination and assists us in making the best possible recommendations for your pet’s health.

We also use our dental radiography system to take X-rays of our smallest patients! Oftentimes, small exotic pets such as birds or lizards need radiographs taken and the smaller scale of dental radiographs gives us a more precise picture of their tiny bones.


UltrasoundUltrasound provides a quick and non-invasive view of many internal aspects of the body.  Our veterinarians have advanced training in ultrasound technology.  We can look at organs of the digestive, reproductive or urinary systems and obtain measurements and information about their overall health and our ultrasound unit is specialized for Echocardiogram (view of the heart) as well.  Ultrasound also provides us a less invasive method of obtaining biopsies of various organs.

Endoscopic Scoping Procedures

Endoscopic Scoping ProceduresScoping procedures are valuable tools used to diagnose and treat many problems.  Rhinoscopy using our rigid endoscope allows us to look at the inner lining of the nasal cavity more closely to determine the cause of many nasal conditions.  Our rigid scope allows us to retrieve biopsy samples or even remove foreign materials.  Our flexible endoscope allows us an insider view of the esophagus and stomach.  This allows us to closely examine these areas for abnormalities, take biopsy samples or remove foreign objects.  Endoscopy is done under anesthesia; discomfort and recovery time are drastically minimized due to this non-invasive approach.